Growing plants, vines, flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables and just about anything else you put in the ground with all natural methods most people would refer to as organic gardening. Gardening the organic way means the use of pesticides, chemicals or other environmentally unfriendly substances used to produce fruit and foliage are never used. Organics are normally associated with fruits, vegetables and herbs, as people do not want chemicals on their foods. However, organic production can also be applied to the production of meats.
Soil preparation is where it all starts in organic gardening. The first step is building a soil full of nutrients for the plants grown in the soil all without the use of manufactured fertilizers and chemicals. This step of organic soil preparation can take some effort but makes the end result worth the time.
Mixing rich, healthy compost material together starts the base for creating organic soil. Some organic fanatics use compost piles, bins or containers to create their own compost. Some garden centers even sell compost, but creating compost is easy even without special compost bins.
Creating your organic soil is not difficult simply take the current soil and start adding items the soil and allow them to begin breaking down. Make sure all the items you add are natural, as they decompose the nutrients will remain in the soil.
To mix the organic items into the soil the soil needs to be loosened and turned. Now start adding the organics such as tea and coffee grounds, shredded paper, fruit peels and vegetable scraps. These items can be added slowly as they become available. The material will breakdown and compost much faster if the material is small in size. Try chopping kitchen scraps into smaller bits before throwing them into the garden. I’ve even thrown scraps into a food processor to chop them smaller.
After the organic items have been added, turn the soil to mix these new items in to soil and make sure they are covered well. Then every other day or so water the soil down and mix it up again. After three to four weeks, your organic bed of soil should be ready for planting plants or seeds in.
For a better organic soil do not wait until spring. Start preparing your organic garden in the fall, before the first hard frost or freeze arrives, the soil will be much richer and ready for spring planting.
Thomas Fryd shares his plant care insight at talked on the topic of organic pest control giving a glimpse into the world of safe organic landscape and plant care. |
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