Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Have You Ever Considered Joining A Garden Club

Gardening can add endless hours of fun to anyone's weekend project. sharing your interest to other gardeners is one way to spread your joy of gardening. For those of us with the gardening bug, unless there is a friend or family member who is into gardening, there will not be any person that you will be able to talk with.

Garden clubs are created expressly for this reason. When anyone join a garden club, either in their local area or via the web anyone can join like minded people who share your interest. A gardening club allows anyone to share important information.

There are many gardeners who will let you in on their trade secrets of growing big, healthy plants. The gardening experts know through trial and error which plants grow more vigorously in their correct type of soil, and what is the best way to mix homemade compost. They can also solve gardening situations that you might have experienced.

With membership to a gardening club similar to the National Home Gardening Club, you are entitled to try out gardening supplies that you have eagerly been yearning to acquire. Such gardening clubs may have subscriptions to gardening publications that are complete with valuable advice and tips.

The members of the National Gardening Club are give the opportunity to sample out different gardening tools and accessories and review them to entire group of members. Think about this, knowing before you purchase a gardening tool and to know if it is worth your hard earned money or if the product will spend the rest of its life inside your gardening shed.

As anyone can see the many upsides of belonging to a gardening club are immense. Besides being able to trade of ideas with other gardeners, you can see gardening products and find out from your new members if those tools are good.

The other benefits of being a member to a gardening club is that you discover many ways to start new projects. The gardeners in this club can give you valuable information on the best way to finish your recent gardening project. There are a variety of gardening tools that this gardening club can show you. You will be able to discuss what gardening primer is best for a novice and will last during your many years of gardening.

Besides these benefits you get to review the most current DVDs and gardening videos. You will also have to ability to view information on members only websites for gardening. As a member of the National Gardening Club you have access to information about conservatories, arboretums and the endless amounts of lush gardens to be seen around the country.

The benefits and advantages of being in a gardening club are wonderful. You have many like minded gardeners that you will be able to talk with. You can get tips and advice for gardening and gardening projects. You get to review the latest in gardening accessories and tools. Find out the best gardening books to read and DVDs and videos to view. All of these benefits are yours to enjoy for a small membership fee, after a trial period in which you can decide if you are in love with your new gardening club.

Susan Green is an avid gardener that loves to give flower gardening tips to any that can stand hearing her ramble on about it. If you enjoyed this article, go over to http://www.thegardenbook.com and see what else she has going on.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Gardening Ideas - A Brief Look At

The art of Gardening has given the lives to the languishing green world and delivered the ever sought bliss to the humankind for eons in most revered way. Gardening Ideas are lovely enough and they are not bounded by the possessions of treasure of meticulous artistry display. Here is a brief exploration to the gardening ideas for the general gardening.

So we have flowers, bushes, creepers and spread over of grasses. Let’s do some art work using Gardening ideas. To start with you just need some analysis on the plan regarding your budget, product availability and your relaxation attitudes. Gardening ideas of growing flowers of various variety, grasses, and large trees to create some beautiful spaces works awesome.

Gardening Ideas could be applied to indoor and out door gardening as well. For apartment sort accommodations, putting some creepers and flowers in the window spills or extension of the balcony is one of the better gardening ideas. Adding some creepers to your room side ways to window gives some door-to-the-heaven like look. For outdoor gardening ideas you have imagination to expand with.

The gardening ideas do evolve out on the basis of season and the cultures also. If you well live in some what moderate cold climate you could go for gardening ideas similar to some English romance of Edwardian styles. The flowers with crafted art works of stone or woods spell the charm of this mood.

The hot climates gardening ideas are to give out more on greenery with small water ponds in the gardens or you can say the Asian touch. You can put on the creeper arches and shades for a comfort sitting arrangements. Choose some aquatic plants and put some in aquarium or lawn pond systems. Creating water falls to ponds, fountain with creepers surrounding it also works sound enough as water gardening ideas. If you are near seashore then rocks do wonders in adding some beauty to the garden. These above gardening ideas are sometimes used in combination to have more than one situation experience simultaneously. One of the elements of success in gardening ideas are use of flowers and plants of matching and complimentary colors.

How about growing vegetables? This is another name in successful gardening ideas. The vegetables were not earlier in the gardening ideas list; however some enthusiast started to gain some more benefit than aesthetic appeal. You can experiment to generate your own style and could also seek some professional style to get your own gardening ideas working for your commercial cum exotic needs.

For more information on Gardening Ideas do visit http://www.home-gardening-tips.info/ a website that specializes in providing Free Gardening Tips and other related Information, Advice and Resources.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Organic Body Products – Even Cleopatra Used One

Hello all you wonderful people out there. Do any of you know anything about organic body care? Do any of you use organic body products?

I happen to know of some very famous people who did. Even the beautiful Cleopatra used organic products. She would take her bath in a tub of milk in order to relax and keep her skin soft. In the 1800’s Miss Josephine, Emperor Napoleon’s ex-wife, busied herself with organic gardening. Every variety of roses known at the time could be found in her exquisite garden.

Between then and now a lot of chemicals have been developed that are used in foodstuffs and cosmetics. However, for me, personally, nothing can take away from the thrill of discovering natural uses for herbs and flowers and learning about natural cures.

Take roses. Rose petals can be used for their scent in perfume, deodorant, air freshener, soaps, potpourri mixes, and even for eating. Do you remember mom’s remedy for a cold – leaning over a bowl of boiling water with your head covered in a towel and inhaling? Just add some organic rose petals to the boiling water and inhale that fragrance. The same water can then be poured into spray bottles and voilĂ , you have a natural air freshener.

Still we have come a long way since the time of Cleopatra and Josephine. As you probably know, there is always more than one way of doing things. You and I each have our own preference. What’s good for one person is not necessarily good for another. Let’s face it, not everyone is going to take a milk bath. Today you can go out and buy all kinds of organic body products including organic body lotion. You choose. You decide, You have fun.

Our experts made a research to find the best organic body care store. Find the results on Organic body products best online sources . Find more info on Organic body care on TiGilet.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Organic Gardening Advantages

The definition of organic gardening is a garden that does not use pesticides to kill pests. This method can be used in either vegetable or flower gardens. In vegetable gardens organic is the safest for you since you will be consuming what you have grown. But, if you utilize it in flower gardening also, it is safest for the environment.

Raising an organic garden has many sound reasons to encourage gardeners to go this route. As mentioned above all of your vegetables will be pesticide free, which means no poison on the food you are growing. While in flower gardening, many people plant flowers that will attract butterflies or bees which you won't attract if you use pesticides. You especially want to remain pesticide free if you have small children or pets because chemicals could be harmful for them.

Your organic garden will be anything but simple gardening. Every garden takes effort and research and your organic garden is no exception. As with all gardens you must start with a plan. Research the plants you wish to grow. Find out what their needs are when it comes to light, fertilizer, PH in the soil and drainage. Be diligent in picking a spot that is well suited to your plants. If you are planting an herb garden select a site that is close to your kitchen door for easy harvesting. Find out if there are companion plants and if there are, consider using them.

When planting an organic garden you will need some really good compost. You can make your compost out of soil and organic matter. Organic matter includes leaves, manure, vegetable refuse, coffee grinds and eggshells. You can include peels from fruits and vegetables. (Potato skins, apple skins, orange rinds, etc.) Start your compost early, find a place to put your compost and work it frequently. By working it I mean turn it with a shovel so the organic material will break down. When you are ready to start planting work your compost into the garden beds before you plant.

Your garden location is very important. You need to pick a spot that gets lots of light and drains well. If it is a very windy spot you will have to figure out some way of sheltering. Don't pick a low spot on your property since that might flood during heavy rains. You really want to put the garden in a place that has easy access for you and for watering with your hose.

Mentioned above were companion plants. Companion plants are plants that repel unwanted pests. If you plant roses, plant some garlic. It is said that garlic will repel rose's nemesis, aphids. Cucumber beetles will not be a worry if you plant oregano. Marigolds will also repel many pests. For a good natural pesticide follow this recipe:

In a jar, combine 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid and 1 cup vegetable oil. Shake vigorously. In an empty spray bottle, combine 2 teaspoons of this mixture and 1 cup water. Use at ten-day intervals (or more often if needed) to rid plants of whiteflies, mites, aphids, scales, and other pests.

If you come up with a good plan you can have flowers and vegetables mixed together. Make sure that you know your zone and the conditions that apply in your area. Flower and vegetable gardens will be very different in Alaska than in Florida.

Your organic garden will take some work, but it will not be in vain when you can sit back and enjoy your beautiful blooms or make some culinary delights from the vegetables and herbs you have grown.

Happy Gardening!

Copyright © Mary Hanna, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Mary Hanna is an aspiring herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows her to grow gardens inside and outside year round. She has published other articles on Cruising, Gardening and Cooking. Visit her websites at Gardening Landscaping Tips, Gardening Outside, and Herb Gardening

Gifts for the Gardener

My grandpa had a saying, “Spring is sprung, grass is riz. Wonder where the flowers is?” When April and May roll around, this silly rhyme rolls through my head. I start looking for those tulips and daffodils to poke up to confirm that my hard work last fall has paid off.

Do you have a gardener in your life? Even if your gardener is more of an amateur (like me) than a professional, a few gardening gifts can inspire him or her to create a lasting masterpiece.

If your loved one is new to the pleasure of gardening, the list of ideas is endless. Novice gardeners can use trowels, rakes, seedlings, seeds, watering devices and hand-held pruners. Container gardening is popular for those with limited outdoor space or for those who don’t wish to tear up the yard. An assortment of pots along with some potting soil and plants can give the recipient a ready-made and easy to maintain garden. If you want to add something unique to this gift, consider a pot scrubber. Yes, there is such thing!

Maybe your gardener is more experienced, and has every gadget one can find in the gardening catalog. A garden ornament may be just the thing. There are all kinds of statues, glass balls, wind chimes, and the like that can put a lovely finishing touch to any garden. Another idea for the experienced gardener would be skin care products. Working in the earth can be very fulfilling, but is also very hard on the hands, and no gardener can have too many skin pampering products.

Everyone is going organic these days, and what can be more organic than growing your own garden. While it’s not a pretty gift, a supply of organic fertilizer is like gold to the gardener. These fertilizers can come in the form of tea bags that are steeped in water, bags of compost, or concentrates that are dissolved in water.

Every gardener should have a gardener’s diary. These specially designed diaries allow the gardener to record what plants have been planted, where they were planted, how well they grew, etc. So, when that little weed-looking plant comes up in the spring, one simply refers to the gardener’s diary to recall that it’s not a weed at all, but that patch of herbs that were planted last summer.

And another great gift idea is a memory album in which they can place photos of the plant and garden – now how delightful would that be? Or for something they might never think about for themselves, take a golf towel (just perfect for wiping dirty hands on) and hook it onto a garener’s bag filled with basic tools like a trowel, pari of leather garden gloves and forked weeder.

I, Jonell Ziola am a gardener and when I'm not working in my Accounting and Management consulting business, I find there is nothing more fulfilling to me after a long day of weeding and pruning than relaxing in the view of all those lovely flowers or maybe even writing about it at my gardeners' gift blog. It makes a And for those who know me personally, what better way to do that than in that lovely hammock you gave her for her birthday? (hint, hint and smile).

Niche Markets - How To Uncover A Good One

Internet niche markets are currently in vogue, but are really nothing new. In marketing, we've always been taught the route to sales success is: "Find a niche and fill it.". In fact, so long established is the concept, guys in togas, selling chariots in Ancient Rome, probably strove hard to find their own unique niche.

But now that the internet has come of age, life is increasingly rosier for niche marketers -- and here's why.

With a traditional bricks and mortar business, restricted to a local market, specializing in very small markets was simply not cost effective. But, do this on the internet, with its global reach and minimal marketing costs, and suddenly – "niche" is the word!

Add to that the ease of researching demand, so you don't spend a single minute or one cent on product development before you're pretty certain of a profit, and it's time to put the champagne on ice.

So here's how you can unearth a profitable niche.

If you are to stand any chance of making serious money on the internet, there are a number of important considerations you must address. Miss just one and your results will be seriously damaged.

This first article of two deals with the top priority -- and what many people fail to do first: accurately gauge the level of interest before any product is developed.

This first step is all the more vital in niche marketing, because you're fishing in narrow waters, so your conversion rate must be as high as possible. To achieve this it's vital your potential customer feels your product is just right for them and their problem or interests.

You'll probably already have a vague idea of the sort of niche market where you could offer something of value. This will flow from your own unique experience, skill and knowledge. Up to a point, this is a good way forward, but the more flexible and open minded you can be, at this stage, the better.

The first step is to look at the recent interest there has been for keywords related to your possible niches.

Here's some results I collected from the free Overture Keyword Tool Overture Keyword Tool

My hobby being gardening, I put in "gardening". Too wide a category to be a niche, but a good place to start this demonstration.

This produced a total of 271,109 times the keyword "gardening" had been searched, during the previous month. It also gave me a handy drop down list of gardening sub categories.

One of the useful features of Overture is the ability to click on any category in this list of sub categories and receive a further list of sub categories of that particular sub category, allowing you to go deeper and deeper and thus find narrower and narrower niches.

So I clicked on the sub category of "organic gardening" and this gave me a further sub category of "organic vegetable gardening", with a respectable 555 searches for the month.

I also noticed "organic container gardening" had been searched 138 times. That's a bit too narrow, so let's broaden the search to non-organic gardening.

This search provided "container vegetable gardening", which gave 451 searches. I also noticed a similar category under a different word combination, which was "gardening in containers" showing 159 searches.

These two categories combined, total 610 searches for the same subject, under different key phrases. So you could build a niche around Growing Vegetables In Containers, with a sub section of Growing Organic Vegetables In Containers.

Then, because most people who are interested in growing organic vegetables in containers will also be interested in growing organic vegetables generally, you could attract a further tranche of targeted visitors by adding the keywords "organic vegetable gardening".

In the second article in this series, we'll look at checking out the competition, how you can position yourself to compete, how to research your potential customer and get ready to publicize your website.

Copyright 2006 Paul Hooper-Kelly and www.InternetMarketingMagician.com

Paul Hooper-Kelly owns http://InternetMarketingMagician.com/ and uses his forty years marketing experience to help ordinary people achieve extraordinary on-line success, both through the wide range of resources, articles and other information on his website and as a popular "tell it like it is" seminar speaker.

Paul has just written an amazing new free course "Zero To Hero In Seven Days", so grab your copy now while it's still free at Free_Internet_Marketing_Training_Course